If you are the sort of person who appreciates nice paper, a decent pen, a well-crafted notebook, a solid pencil, writing and receiving handwritten correspondence, beautiful handwriting, or the clicky-clack of a dependable typewriter, you have come to the right place. The Cramped is a site dedicated to the pleasures of writing with analog tools (the name is purposefully ironic).
I especially like the romance of things that last. Not necessary in the original condition as they were first purchased, but something tangible to remind myself of the passing time.
I’m just about getting into notebooks, so this site is ideal for me as a resource portal, a inspiration site, or just plainly a nice cosy place I could always return to. When the lure of another digital distraction tugs at me, I know things will be alright if I compose myself and return to the calm and welcoming page of the notebook.