
iPhone: 10 Years On

In my hand is an immaculately designed iPhone that has been refined, polished, then further refined and polished over the years.

My first iPhone was a iPhone 5. I still remember the stellar first impression when I first held it. It opened up a world of possibilities and discoveries, just like it did for millions of people around the world.

In 2007, the first iPhone was launched. 10 years on, let’s reflect on the impact this nifty device has on our lives.

How the iPhone Was Born: Inside Stories of Missteps and Triumphs
The part where Scott Forstall shared how they enabled people to type with great accuracy on the software keyboard is a tremendous insight.

Perfect Ten
I still missed the showmanship of Jobs’ presentation, his single-mindedness in pursuit of perfection, his belief in simplicity, and his taste in timeless design. Looking back now, iPhone does indeed changed the world.

iPhone: The bet Steve Jobs didn’t decline
15 challenges facing Apple, and each of those is enough in its own right for Apple not to create the iPhone. But in true Apple style, the immense adversity strengthen its resolve to develop a world-changing product.