
Appreciating Fast Computers and Applications

The laptop from my office, now with me as I work from home, is a dread to use. It’s painful because the CPU is almost always 100% utilised, the memory almost full and opening applications take forever.

Microsoft Team and Chrome are both resource hog. Together, they cripple my workstation to a crawl – akin to death by a thousand slowness.

Which brings me to Fast Software, the Best Software written by Craig Mod. It’s only when we experience the sluggishness that we come to appreciate the rapid. Fast brings a sense of lightness, injects rhythm and adds trust. It is efficiency of the highest order.

I’m a big fan of Simplenote and my life lives on it. It’s blazing quick, near-instant sync and always ready. The recent lost of my notes and syncing issues have tainted my trust for, but it still remain an fundamental structure of my workflow.

It’s a constant battle not to be derailed. A tiring tugging of the mind that only has one outcome. How do you navigate the lag of system because each time it’s loading, the temptation is to fill the waiting with distractions.

With our fleeting attention span, a few milliseconds (for me, a good few seconds at least) can be the difference between staying focused on the task at hand or hopping down a rabbit hole.